Happy are those who CELEBRATE RECOVERY!!

The question asked:  Have I been able to accept and enjoy my growth in recovery. 

The answer:  Wow.  Two years ago, I would never had the nerve to co-lead a step study class.  I would have never told hundreds of people my darkest moments.  I was a prisoner of fear.  It controlled my every word, my every thought and my every decision.  I was a feather being blown along by other’s opinions of me, my poor opinion of myself and every situation.  Today, I take selfies because I finally see a beautiful person.  I talk to people I don’t know without fear of rejection.  I feel the love of God and recognize now that He’s loved me and protected me all my life. I am responsible for m own actions and I don’t blame them on the abuse or my parents.  Two years ago, maturity -wise, I was about 16 stuck forever in that sophomore in high school mentality.  Perpetually the child in the mirror with grown up clothes and scared little girl eyes.  Now I’m a maturing woman of God and I am amazed at the new life He let me have that I had wanted to end so many times.  I accept that I am a forgiven child of the King and a citizen of heaven.  I accept every promise God’s word says I am. 

I love hearing from you. Your comments and/or questions are welcomed and appreciated.